Guiding and advocating for our clients.
Education, Preparation, Prevention… LiveWell.
We share these important resources with you so that you are informed and prepared.
Crisis Resources
For immediate danger, please call 911 and ask for a Crisis Intervention Trained (CIT) Officer.
Many communities have crisis intervention team (CIT) programs that train police officers to handle and respond safely to psychiatric crisis calls. Not every police officer is trained in a CIT program, but you should ask for a CIT officer if possible.
When an officer arrives at your home, say, “this is a mental health crisis.” You want the officer as calm as possible. Be aware that your loved one may be placed in handcuffs and transported in the back of a police car. The experience can be extremely upsetting to witness, so be prepared.
Suicide Hotlines:
1-800- 273-TALK (8255) – Available 24 hours
1-800-799-4TTY (4889) – Hearing and speech impaired
2-1-1 or – USA National Crisis & Emergency Services
Massachusetts Suicide Hotlines
Crisis Text Line
Text START to 741-741 – https://www.crisistextline.
Other Resources
National Alliance on Mental Illness – Connecticut (NAMICT)
National Alliance on Mental Illness – Massachusetts (NAMIMASS)
If you are in immediate danger or in need of help, please call 911.